Sloan, Napa Valley 2006

  • 種類: Red
  • 國家: U.S.A.
  • 區域: Napa Valley
  • 容量: 75cl
  • 評分: WA 98+
售價: HKD 3,650
The 2006 is performing even better from bottle than it did from barrel. Sloan and McClellan decided to bottle it later than usual, recognizing the rugged, tough tannins of the vintage could be sweetened up with longer barrel aging. Their strategy worked. The wine’s dense ruby/purple color is followed by notes of white chocolate, burning embers, creme de cassis, coffee, and scorched earth (think Haut-Brion or La Mission Haut-Brion). It possesses terrific structure, melted, well-integrated tannins, full body, and is already bursting with complexity. A great success, it is one of the vintage’s most thrilling wines. Drink it over the next 20-25 years.
Drink from 2009-2034. Published by The Wine Advocate in Dec 2009.